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Interactive navigation is a tool that goes beyond the standard navigation of the integrated content (available in the report drop-down bar). New approach allowed to navigate in the two additional business dimensions of the PZU Group, i.e .:
  • strategy (insurance, health, investments, finances);
  • sustainable development (sales, employees, social responsibility, natural environment and ethics).
The above-mentioned areas were additionally supplemented with related GRI indicators, within each selected issue.
PZU Group

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List of GRIs

48. Deferred income tax

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48.1 Accounting policy

The level of deferred tax liabilities and assets is determined using the balance sheet method using the corporate income tax rates which are expected to be in effect when the asset or liability is realized, in accordance with the provisions of tax law in the countries of domicile of the individual PZU Group companies issued by the end of the reporting period.

For all of the consolidated companies participating in the Tax Group, deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset on the assumption that the Tax Group contract will be prolonged for subsequent periods, and therefore the period in which the reversal of temporary differences is expected is not analyzed for the purposes of this offsetting.

48.2 Estimates and assumptions

PZU Group companies have estimated their future taxable income in terms of the possibility to realize deductible temporary differences arising from tax losses incurred by these companies. As a result of these estimates, no deferred tax assets relating to unused tax loss were recognized.

48.3 Quantitative data

48.3.1. Deferred tax assets

Unrecognized deferred tax assets resulting from the tax loss according to legally permissible realization term 31 December 2021 31 December 2020
up to 1 year 13 6
1 to 5 years 18 21
over 5 years 6 3
term unlimited by law 2 2
Total 39 32

Movement in deferred tax assets in the year ended 31 December 2021 Beginning of the period Changes recognized in profit or loss Changes recognized in other comprehen- sive income Other changes End of the period
Loan receivables from clients 1 301 -48 9 - 1 262
Bank commissions collected in advance 598 -67 - - 531
Liabilities to clients under deposits 26 -15 - - 11
Intangible assets – trademarks and client relations -199 3 - - -196
Financial instruments 100 -316 970 - 754
Real property -47 9 - -2 -40
Accrued reinsurance income and expenses 15 7 - - 22
Provisions for employee benefits 79 -15 -8 - 56
Provisions for bonuses 55 22 - - 77
Other provisions and liabilities 530 33 - - 563
Tax losses to be used in subsequent years 37 -32 - - 5
Tax allowance for activities conducted in a special economic zone - - - 9 9
Provision for restructuring costs 16 -12 - - 4
Total deferred tax assets 2 511 -431 971 7 3 058

Movement in deferred tax assets in the year ended 31 December 2020 Beginning of the period Changes recognized in profit or loss Changes recognized in other comprehen- sive income Other changes End of the period
Loan receivables from clients 1 143 162 -4 - 1 301
Bank commissions collected in advance 620 -27 - 5 598
Liabilities to clients under deposits 68 -42 - - 26
Intangible assets – trademarks and client relations -246 47 - - -199
Financial instruments 121 244 -267 2 100
Real property -52 2 - 3 -47
Accrued reinsurance income and expenses 18 -3 - - 15
Provisions for employee benefits 70 7 2 - 79
Provisions for bonuses 63 -8 - - 55
Other provisions and liabilities 468 47 - 15 530
Tax losses to be used in subsequent years 36 - - 1 37
Provision for restructuring costs 4 12 - - 16
Total deferred tax assets 2 313 441 -269 26 2 511

48.3.2. Deferred tax liability

Movement in deferred tax liabilities in the year ended 31 December 2021 Beginning of the period Changes recognized in profit or loss Changes recognized in other comprehen- sive income Other changes End of the period
Financial instruments 528 55 -237
Subrogation receivables 13 1 - - 14
Real property 121 37 - -2 156
Deferred acquisition costs 292 46 - - 338
Accrued reinsurance income and expenses -22 -68 - - -90
Intangible assets – trademarks and customer relations 68 -5 - - 63
Provisions for employee benefits -17 -2 -1 - -20
Provision for bonuses -52 -10 - - -62
Liabilities due but not paid to natural persons (under mandate, agency contracts, etc.) -72 -5 - - -77
Other provisions and liabilities -106 14 - - -92
Prevention fund 11 1 - - 12
Equalization provision 111 9 - - 120
Tax losses to be used in subsequent years -19 -5 - - -24
Other differences 93 29 - - 122
Total deferred tax liabilities 949 97 -238 -2 806

Movement in deferred tax liabilities in the year ended 31 December 2020 Beginning of the period Changes recognized in profit or loss Changes recognized in other comprehen- sive income Other changes End of the period
Financial instruments 350 93 86 -1 528
Subrogation receivables 8 5 - - 13
Real property 75 56 - -10 121
Deferred acquisition costs 282 10 - - 292
Accrued reinsurance income and expenses -6 -16 - - -22
Intangible assets – trademarks and customer relations 71 -4 - 1 68
Provisions for employee benefits -18 - 1 - -17
Provision for bonuses -52 - - - -52
Liabilities due but not paid to natural persons (under mandate, agency contracts, etc.) -77 5 - - -72
Other provisions and liabilities -104 -4 - 2 -106
Prevention fund 13 -2 - - 11
Equalization provision 144 -33 - - 111
Tax losses to be used in subsequent years -17 -1 - -1 -19
Other differences 77 19 - -3 93
Total deferred tax liabilities 746 128 87 -12 949