
Navigation Map

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Interactive navigation is a tool that goes beyond the standard navigation of the integrated content (available in the report drop-down bar). New approach allowed to navigate in the two additional business dimensions of the PZU Group, i.e .:
  • strategy (insurance, health, investments, finances);
  • sustainable development (sales, employees, social responsibility, natural environment and ethics).
The above-mentioned areas were additionally supplemented with related GRI indicators, within each selected issue.
PZU Group

List of GRIs

List of GRIs

47.2 Estimates and assumptions

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Integrated Navigation
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Provisions for disputes are determined on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to meet the obligation. An outflow of resources is regarded as probable if the event is more likely than not to occur, i.e. the probability that the event will occur is greater than the probability that it will not.

Detailed descriptions and provision amounts are presented in section 55.

The provisions for retirement severance pays and post-mortem benefits are estimated with actuarial methods using appropriate actuarial techniques and assumptions – discount rates, consistent with the zero-coupon Treasury bond yield curve, mortality rate adopted at the level specified in the PLET, expected salary increase rate in individual PZU Group companies, employee turnover rate (diversified in terms of, among others, the employee’s age, years in service and gender) and the disability rate (disability pensions) adopted as an appropriate percentage of the mortality rate.