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36.2 Quantitative data

PZU AR 2021 > Results > Supplementary information and notes > 36 Investment Financial Assets > 36.2 Quantitative data
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Investment financial assets and assets securing liabilities 31 December 2021 31 December 2020
at amortized cost at fair value through other compre- hensive income at fair value through profit or loss Total at amortized cost at fair value through other compre- hensive income at fair value through profit or loss Total
Equity instruments nd. 768 931 1 699 nd. 605 946 1 551
Participation units and investment certificates nd. nd. 5 816 5 816 nd. nd. 5 298 5 298
Debt securities 74 183 45 039 2 466 121 688 57 871 63 643 3 566 125 080
Government securities 65 359 32 320 2 183 99 862 50 632 48 250 3 443 102 325
Domestic 65 089 29 575 2 000 96 664 50 417 45 577 3 262 99 256
Fixed rate 59 663 22 144 1 513 83 320 47 227 37 420 2 695 87 342
– including assets securing liabilities 131 911 2 1 044 429 288 521 1 238
Floating rate 5 426 7 431 487 13 344 3 190 8 157 567 11 914
– including assets securing liabilities - - 46 46 19 88 - 107
Foreign 270 2 745 183 3 198 215 2 673 181 3 069
Fixed rate 270 2 745 180 3 195 215 2 673 181 3 069
Floating rate - - 3 3 - - - -
Other 8 824 12 719 283 21 826 7 239 15 393 123 22 755
Fixed rate 2 844 7 424 37 10 305 2 466 7 671 53 10 190
Floating rate 5 980 5 295 246 11 521 4 773 7 722 70 12 565
Other, including: 9 087 - - 9 087 8 993 - - 8 993
Buy-sell-back transactions 4 117 - - 4 117 4 657 - - 4 657
– including assets securing liabilities 246 - - 246 136 - - 136
Term deposits with credit institutions 1 384 - - 1 384 952 - - 952
Loans 3 586 - - 3 586 3 384 - - 3 384
Investment financial assets and assets securing liabilities, total 83 270 45 807 9 213 138 290 66 864 64 248 9 810 140 922
– including assets securing liabilities 377 911 48 1 336 584 376 521 1 481

Equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 31 December 2021 31 December 2020
Fair value Dividends recognized in the period Fair value Dividends recognized in the period
Biuro Informacji Kredytowej SA 323 1) 24 240 24
Grupa Azoty SA 243 - 198 -
PSP sp. z o.o. 94 - 59  -
Polimex-Mostostal SA 42 - 51  -
Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa SA 16 1 19 1
Webuild SpA (formerly: Astaldi SpA) 15 - 15 -
Astaldi SFP 14 - - -
Other 21 1 23 1
Equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, total 768 26 605 26

1) Including an increase by PLN 85 million resulting from the acquisition of Idea Bank by Pekao.