Corporate Governance
The accounting policies are changed only if the change:
Changes in accounting policies associated with the initial application of an IFRS are accounted for in accordance with the specific transitional provisions contained in that IFRS. If a change in accounting policies is made in connection with initial application of IFRS which do not contain specific transitional provisions pertaining to such a change or the change is made voluntarily, the entity introduces such a change retrospectively. A retrospective introduction of changes in accounting policies is made by adjusting, in the statement of financial position, of the opening balance of each affected component of equity for the earliest prior period presented and by disclosing other comparative data for each period as if the changed accounting policies had always been applied.
Any items of the financial statements presented based on an estimate may need revision if changes occur in the circumstances on which the estimate was based or as a result of new information or more experience.
The effect of a change in an accounting estimate is recognized prospectively, which means that the change is applied to transactions, other events and conditions from the date of the change in estimate (the change may affect only the current period’s profit or loss, or the profit or loss of both the current period and future periods).
An assumption is made that errors are corrected in the period in which they were committed (rather than discovered), hence any significant prior period errors are corrected retrospectively and the resulting differences are charged to equity.
In 2021 as well as in 2020, no corrections of errors from previous years were made.
Magdalena Komaracka, IR Director, tel. +48 (22) 582 22 93
Piotr Wiśniewski, IR Manager, tel. +48 (22) 582 26 23
Aleksandra Jakima-Moskwa, tel. +48 (22) 582 26 17
Aleksandra Dachowska, tel. +48 (22) 582 43 92
Piotr Wąsiewicz, tel. +48 (22) 582 41 95