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  • strategy (insurance, health, investments, finances);
  • sustainable development (sales, employees, social responsibility, natural environment and ethics).
The above-mentioned areas were additionally supplemented with related GRI indicators, within each selected issue.
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Employer of first choice

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We respect one another - “Respect is visible in our attitude and approach to others who have placed their trust in us. We do not tolerate any forms of discrimination. Every person who witnesses these types of practices in the PZU Group should report them without fear. We respect persons employed in all positions and we value their contribution in the work of the entire team. We are of the opinion that the diversity of roles and variety of character and personality traits build the entire organization’s success.”

We have adopted a complex and long-term approach to employee development. Above all, we listen to what our employees have to say about their needs and then we evaluate these expressed needs carefully, because we believe it is the most effective way to build partnership-based relations. This kind of open dialogue and employee satisfaction surveys enable us to better understand both the needs in the areas of career development and self-fulfillment and the needs related to personal lives and wellbeing. This mutual understanding significantly affects the degree of employee engagement, which translates not only into the business efficiency of our organization, but also into the market image of PZU as an attractive employer.
Anna Wardecka, HR Managing Director, PZU and PZU Życie

Area-specific risk: The risk associated with difficulties in recruiting qualified staff pertaining, in particular, to areas characterized by narrow specialization and those where candidates with unique competences are sought.

Approach to management: The risk is mitigated owing to the high PZU brand awareness among labor market participants. In communication targeted at candidates, various advantages of PZU are emphasized, including: stability of employment, diverse development opportunities, a cafeteria of fringe benefits highly valued by staff, serious approach to a healthy work-life balance, introduction of hybrid forms of work, care for the wellbeing of staff (pursuit of the #DobryStan (#WellBeing) strategy).

Candidates are searched for in alternative sources, such as social media and industry-specific online platforms, various tools are applied to facilitate the search for candidates, in particular in the technological area.

Key regulations: Resource management policy in the PZU Group

[GRI 103-2]

PZU’s ambition, as defined in the strategy for 2021–2024, is to be the employer of first choice in the markets covered by the Group’s business. The intention is to achieve the Group’s objectives relying on a committed, motivated and professional workforce enjoying the benefits of a friendly and inspiring workplace. To make this possible, 6 main strategic initiatives have been launched with a view to developing the potential of PZU employees:

  • #JednoPZU (“OnePZU”)– development of effective cooperation between business areas, increasing the speed of actions and the quality of solutions implemented;
  • #KompetencjePrzyszłości (#CompetencesOfTheFuture) – development of a culture of innovation and of the ability to quickly respond to challenges and create market trends;
  • #TopTalenty (#TopTalents)– retaining employees with key competences and attracting the best talent on the market thanks to our image of being a desirable employer;
  • #PotencjałZespołów (#PotentialOfTeams) – effective use of the potential brought to the organization by its diverse teams;
  • #ZaangażowaniePracowników (#EmployeeEngagement) - continuation of an effective dialogue with employees with a view to building an engaging working environment together;
  • #Dobrostan (#Wellbeing) – taking care of the broadly construed wellbeing of staff and preventing declines in their performance or efficiency.

The fundamental document regulating the issue of managing employee matters is the Human Capital Management Policy in the PZU Group adopted in 2018. This Policy’s objective is, in particular, to support to the execution of the PZU Group strategy by doing the following:

  • safeguarding business needs in human capital management;
  • ensuring coherent and integrated rules for human capital management;
  • conducting coherent actions in human capital management.

In addition, topics related to managing employee issues have been captured in the Best Practices of the PZU Group that define:

  • common values and rules for ethical management;
  • working conditions (among others remuneration policy, benefits unrelated to pay);
  • competence development;
  • occupational safety and health.
[GRI 102-8]

Data pertaining to employees and other persons working for the organization

At the end of 2020, the PZU Group had 38 666 employees (converted into FTEs), 26% of them were employed in PZU and PZU Życie, 5% % in the health area, 19% in the Alior Bank Group, 37% in the Pekao Group and, and 7% % in foreign companies.

Total number of employees (converted into FTEs)

PZU Group employees by gender (converted into FTEs) in 2020 and 2021

Women account for the majority of employees across the PZU Group (66.7%).

Women constitute the largest percentage of the staff of PZU Zdrowie and its subsidiaries – 85.1% of the persons employed. This percentage is 70.2% in the Pekao Group. Women account for a vast majority also in our foreign companies, i.e. 74.0%.

PZU Group employees by type of contract (converted into FTEs) in 2020 and 2021

In the PZU Group, 88.2% of employees work under employment contracts executed for an indefinite term. The highest percentage of staff (converted into FTEs) who work under employment contracts for an indefinite term is in foreign companies (95.9%), and the lowest is in LINK4 – 73.9%.

Total number of employees by age group (converted into FTEs) in 2020 and 2021

Among the three age groups identified above, the most numerous is the group of employees aged 30–50: it comprised 66.5% of employees in 2021 and 66.0% in 2020. LINK4 employs the largest number of individuals under 30 (28.2% in 2021). Conversely, the Pekao Group has the largest number of employees over 50 (31.4% w 2021 roku).

Employees by FTE portion (converted into persons) in 2020 and 2021

Most PZU Group staff are employed full-time: –91.9%. The highest percentage of the staff are employed on such terms in LINK4 (97.0%).

PZU Group Employees by employment structure (converted into persons) in 2020 and 2021

In PZU Group’s employment structure did not change significantly in 2021. Persons employed in managerial positions accounted for 12.9% of the total, much like one year earlier 12.7%. In the PZU Group, it is PZU and PZU Życie the largest percentage of persons holding managerial positions relative to the total number of staff (15.8%).

In other companies of the Group, this ratio was as follows 14.3% in LINK4, in PZU Zdrowie 13%, 11.4% in the Pekao Group, 11.9% in the Alior Bank Group, 14.1% in foreign companies.

[GRI 401-1]

Total number of newly-hired employees by gender (converted into FTEs)

Total number of employees by: 2020 2021
Number of employees Number of newly-hired employees Percentage of newly-hired employees Number of employees Number of newly-hired employees Percentage of newly-hired employees
Women 4 197 270 6,4% 4 075 265 6,5%
Men 3 027 175 5,8% 2 900 185 6,4%
Total 7 224 446 6,2% 6 975 450 6,5%

PZU Życie
Total number of employees by: 2020 2021
Number of employees Number of newly-hired employees Percentage of newly-hired employees Number of employees Number of newly-hired employees Percentage of newly-hired employees
Women 2 140 150 7,0% 2 106 155 7,3%
Men 991 88 8,9% 968 85 8,8%
Total 3 130 239 7,6% 3 074 240 7,8%

Total number of newly-hired employees by age (converted into FTEs)

Total number of employees by age: 2020 2021
Number of employees Number of newly-hired employees Percentage of newly-hired employees Number of employees Number of newly-hired employees Percentage of newly-hired employees
<30 years old 858 207 24,2% 750 204 27,2%
30–50 years old 5 081 230 4,5% 4 922 232 4,7%
>50 years old 1 285 8 0,6% 1 303 14 1,1%
Total 7 224 446 6,2% 6 975 450 6,5%

PZU Życie
Total number of employees by age: 2020 2021
Number of employees Number of newly-hired employees Percentage of newly-hired employees Number of employees Number of newly-hired employees Percentage of newly-hired employees
<30 years old 344 93 27,0% 298 98 33,1%
30–50 years old 2 263 143 6,3% 2 227 131 5,9%
>50 years old 524 3 0,6% 549 10 1,9%
Total 3 130 239 7,6% 3 074 240 7,8%

Total number of cases of attrition among employees by gender (converted into FTEs)

Total number of employees by: 2020 2021
Number of employees Number of cases of attrition among employees Percentage of cases of attrition among employees Number of employees Number of cases of attrition among employees Percentage of cases of attrition among employees
Women 4 197 258 6,2% 4 075 380 9,3%
Men 3 027 203 6,7% 2 900 307 10,6%
Total 7 224 461 6,4% 6 975 687 9,8%

PZU Życie
Total number of employees by: 2020 2021
Number of employees Number of cases of attrition among employees Percentage of cases of attrition among employees Number of employees Number of cases of attrition among employees Percentage of cases of attrition among employees
Women 2 140 162 7,6% 2 106 210 10,0%
Men 991 104 10,5% 968 128 13,2%
Total 3 130 266 8,5% 3 074 339 11,0%

[GRI 405-2]

Total number of cases of attrition among employees by age (converted into FTEs)

Total number of employees by age: 2020 2021
Number of employees Number of cases of attrition among employees Percentage of cases of attrition among employees Number of employees Number of cases of attrition among employees Percentage of cases of attrition among employees
<30 years old 858 129 15,0% 750 159 21,2%
30–50 years old 5 081 237 4,7% 4 922 379 7,7%
>50 years old 1 285 95 7,4% 1 303 149 11,4%
Total 7 224 461 6,4% 6 975 687 9,8%

PZU Życie
Total number of employees by age: 2020 2021
Number of employees Number of cases of attrition among employees Percentage of cases of attrition among employees Number of employees Number of cases of attrition among employees Percentage of cases of attrition among employees
<30 years old 344 53 15,3% 298 71 23,8%
30–50 years old 2 263 169 7,5% 2 227 204 9,2%
>50 years old 524 45 8,6% 549 63 11,5%
Total 3 130 266 8,5% 3 074 339 11,0%

Total number of voluntary terminations and dismissals converted into FTEs in the PZU Group:

  • in 2020: 5,930
  • in 2021: 6,522

Turnover ratio among all PZU Group employees hired under employment contracts:

  • in 2020: 14.9%
  • in 2021: 16.9%

The indicator also includes internal rotation between PZU/PZU Życie and other companies of the PZU Group.

Working conditions and employee compensation

Everyone has equal opportunity - “Our relations are predicated on this principle. Employees have equal opportunity and chances in all the processes in the PZU Group, from recruitment to performance assessment, promotion, professional development to participation in training. Gender, age, degree of ability, nationality, faith, political convictions, trade union membership, ethnic background, sexual orientation and nature of employment are of no consequence.”

Area-specific risk: Risk of overrunning the personnel budget, i.e. risk related to the need to hire an employee for an amount higher than budgeted in connection with lack of qualified employees in the labor market. Unbudgeted employee hiring.

Approach to management: In order to mitigate this risk, the PZU Group has implemented a financial planning procedure in the PZU Group. As part of this procedure, reserve financing to fund this type of hiring is used, or, as a last resort, the central budget reserve is used. Due to its limited size, there is a risk of overrunning the budget.

Key regulations: Financial Planning Procedure in the PZU Group

[GRI 103-2]

PZU Group companies offer their staff a friendly environment and work atmosphere coupled with equal development opportunities for all. Employees’ work-life balance is held in high regard by PZU. The company provides safe forms of employment, discharges on a timely basis its financial liabilities to employees and applies clear principles in the operation of our organization. Employees of Group companies make a contribution to streamlining the operation of the company.

The PZU Group provides its employees with equal opportunities for development to enhance their skills, being promoted and compensation, while having regard for employees’ individual potential, their accomplishments and work performance.

PZU Group companies have in force rules and regulations pertaining to bonuses and bonuses and commissions. The high quality of the work done by people employed in the Group is therefore additionally rewarded.

The basis for determining an employee’s base salary is the evaluation of the job in question, the competences held by the employee and, in respect of variable components of employee compensation, his or her performance appraisal.

In 2016, PZU and PZU Życie adopted “Compensation Policies” which are subjected to annual reviews and, if needed, updated accordingly. Above all, the purpose of this document is to ensure that our employee compensation systems are in line with the company’s risk profile, that we achieve our intended business result and that we attain our business objectives within the framework of the risk limits prescribed by the Management Boards. It is also important to motivate employees to enhance their work efficiency constantly and ramp up their commitment while simultaneously linking their pay to the performance of the companies, organizational cells or units in which they are employed.

In the PZU Group companies, employee compensation policies or rules and regulations have been implemented in order to lay down the guidelines and principles for calculating the value of employee compensation in a manner consistent with the strategy of the respective company, conducive to the attainment of goals and boosting the Group’s competitiveness on the labor market.

ESG strategy indicator:

ESG goals in the annual objectives set for the management team

In 2021, in PZU and PZU Życie, the directors responsible for the pursuit of the ESG strategy saw, for the first time ever, the Group’s ESG goals included in their annual objectives. The degree of attainment of these goals translates into the value of variable compensation to be received by these directors. Owing to the setting of the ESG goals, the whole organization is involved in the pursuit of the ESG strategy. Sustainable development has been embedded into the company’s operating endeavors.

In the PZU Group companies, employee compensation policies or rules and regulations have been implemented in order to lay down the guidelines and principles for calculating the value of employee compensation in a manner consistent with the strategy of the respective company, conducive to the attainment of goals and boosting the Group’s competitiveness on the labor market

Bank Pekao has adopted the Compensation Policy of Bank Polska Kasa Opieki Spółka Akcyjna which reflects the mission and values of Bank Pekao’s approach to employee compensation systems. In particular, it defines the rules governing the fundamental issues related to remuneration, structure management, corporate and organizational processes; confirms the requirements for compliance of the adopted employee compensation systems with generally applicable laws; defines the principles of monitoring market practices and the approach to the issue of employee compensation systems focused on ensuring the sustainability of the Bank’s operations.

Alior Bank’s employee compensation area is governed by the Compensation Policy the purposes of which include: maintenance of a transparent relationship between individual performance and individual reward by focusing on goals related to accountability and actual impact; promotion of sound and effective risk management and discouragement of excessive risk-taking; support for the pursuit of the sustainable growth strategy and prudent risk management policy; avoidance of conflicts of interest; ensuring that employees act in the best interests of customers, including though the provision of comprehensible and transparent information about the available services and products.

The adopted policies and documents provide equal opportunities to employees for development, improvement of skills and promotions. The remuneration system depends on the type of the work performed, the value of the position for the company, the employees’ competences, required skills, job appraisal and market remuneration levels. The company prevents discretion as regards remuneration, among others through setting transparent, non-discriminatory fixed compensation levels for the same type of work or work with the same value, reflecting primarily appropriate professional experience and organizational responsibility defined in the job description.

The value of the Gender Pay Gap ratio, showing the difference between salaries received by men and women, is a confirmation of equal treatment and the absence of discrimination based on gender.

[GRI 405-2]

Average base salary ratio of women to men: Gender Pay Gap (GPG)

Average base salary ratio of women to men in 2021* PZU and PZU Życie PZU PZU Życie
senior management 99% 97% 99%
management positions 96% 96% 97%
expert positions 95% 96% 94%
specialist positions 96% 96% 95%
all employees 96% 96% 96%

*population-weighted remuneration ratio in individual groups by location and evaluation level

Fringe benefits

Most PZU Group companies have adopted the rules and regulations of the Company Social Benefit Fund.

PZU Group employees are covered by collective agreements, including the Company Pension Agreements. Employee Capital Schemes have been implemented in companies where there was previously no ECS to provide additional retirement security.

PZU and PZU Życie offer their employees a broad range of fringe benefits tailored to their diverse needs. The main benefits include:

  • Employee Pension Scheme – a pooled investment program the purpose of which is to collect additional funds for the employees’ future retirement benefits; the employer’s contribution is equal to 7% of the employee’s salary,
  • benefits from the Company Social Benefit Fund, which employees may adjust in accordance with their specific needs, include, in particular: co-funding of employee vacation options, holiday grants, financial assistance (for instance, in the form of renovation and modernization loans, non-returnable allowances) and a cafeteria system in which the funds granted may be spent on the purchase of various cultural, tourist or sports events or services,
  • health benefits – comprehensive private medical care services provided by PZU Zdrowie which may also be provided to relatives and parents, insurance for medicine and supplement of up to 100% of employee compensation in the case of special sickness absences (e.g. due to cancer),
  • group life insurance on preferential terms,
  • special discount for employees on selected products offered by PZU,
  • access to the PZU Cash platform,
  • promotional terms for employees signing up for an individual pension security account offered under the PZU Voluntary Pension Fund – exemption from fees that are normally charged on contributions for a period of 5 years from the date of enrollment,
  • management package for senior management,
  • support for activities pursued by employees outside their workplace, including by providing opportunities to participate in the sports activities of the PZU Sport Team and in employee volunteering initiatives, for which staff members may receive additional 2 days off.


Cash is an innovative employee financial benefit platform created by PZU and Alior Bank. Employees of the companies collaborating with PZU Cash may quickly obtain attractive financial products – including a low-interest loan for any purpose, a mini loan that acts as an early payment of regular employee compensation, or a consolidation loan. The process of applying for a loan is fully remote. The term of the loan is between 3 and 36 months and the maximum loan amount is PLN 50 thousand. Employees do not have to remember about the repayment date, because the installments are deducted automatically from their remuneration, which is a convenient solution. The Cash portal combines the needs of both employees and employers while bringing mutual benefits. Employees can easily obtain extra cash from a safe source with no hidden costs or additional conditions. Employers, in turn, can offer additional financial benefits to employees.

At the end of 2021, more than 100,000 employees of large companies and over 200,000 employees of small and medium-sized enterprises (under simplified arrangements for the SME sector) were offered the opportunity to make use of the Cash platform.


Total Rewards Statement

Since 2021, PZU and PZU Życie employees receive the personalized Total Rewards Statement (TRS) presenting their total remuneration for the previous year. The report presents all financial rewards received from the employer, including non-salary benefits used. It additionally contains information on other available benefits and forms of support from the employer.

Well-being of employees

The PZU Group puts special emphasis on the health and well-being of its employees. Using modern technologies, we support our employees to make sure they keep fit and mentally healthy. We are absolutely convinced that the commitment and satisfaction of employees also stem from their well-being. Therefore, caring for this aspect of employees’ lives is a duty of the employer.

[GRI 103-2]

New version of the #DobryStan (#WellBeing) initiative – well-being strategy

The PZU Group conducts regular employee engagement surveys. In accordance with the adopted schedule, the last such survey was carried out in December 2021. The survey was held simultaneously in 12 Group companies: PZU, PZU Życie SA, PZU CO SA, PZU Zdrowie SA, TUW PZUW, TFI PZU, PTE PZU, PZU POMOC, PZU Finanse Sp. z o.o., PZU CASH, Tower Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. and Ogrodowa Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. Much like in previous years, the same methodology was applied when the survey was entrusted to the Spencer Stuart Company, thus enabling a consistent tracking of trends and an evaluation of the interventions made in the meantime.

In addition, PZU regularly asks employees about the feeling of control and assessment of work-life balance and about how the company supports employees in their maintenance of a stable mental condition. These actions were intensified during the pandemic and the rapid changes in the work methods. Based on an analysis of the outcome, actions may be taken in response to the challenges pointed out by employees.

However, the most important decision following from our surveys and recommendations was the adoption of a systemic approach to the issue of well-being in PZU and PZU Życie. The outcome that followed was the development of the #DobryStan (#WellBeing) strategy based on the immediate and current needs of the organization as well as the opinions and needs of employees.

As part of the #DobryStan initiative, the following 3 main areas forming the pillars of the strategy have been identified:

  • Life energy – focuses on the development of awareness and learning what behaviors and attitudes translate into a high level of physical, emotional and mental energy, and provides professional knowledge about medical prevention.
  • Mental resilience – teaches how to cope with the rapid pace of life and work and how to support employees, managers and whole teams in keeping a stable psychophysical condition. Also, it offers education about solutions and support tools for employees who have found themselves in difficult life situations.
  • Work style – focuses on a modern, responsible and flexible work environment which is conducive to effective work and enables employees to find a proper work-life balance. Promotes knowledge and skills associated with effective working methods, consistent with human biology. Monitors working styles and creates solutions to support employees in maintaining work-life balance and to contribute to their engagement and satisfaction.

The #DobryStan strategy was devised based on a review of trends prevailing in the labor market and consultations with team leaders and employees, in consideration of the challenges posed by the pursuit of PZU’s business strategy for 2021–2024.

The #DobryStan strategy calls for activities that address all 4 levels of the company’s operation: employee and leader, team, business area, and the whole organization.

  • Level 1. Employee and leaderactivities include training, competitions, discussions, promotion of technological solutions;
  • Level 2. Team: activities include group challenges, for instance teams will be invited to create contracts based on good labor principles;
  • Level 3. Organizational unit: each unit will be invited to discuss and deploy practices that promote care for vital energy and mental health, taking into account the specificity of operation of the respective area;
  • Level 4. Whole organization: activities include initiatives focused on all employees, specifically on solutions that enhance performance, efficiency and degree of engagement.

In 2021, a number of activities were carried out in the spirit of the #DobryStan strategy:

  • launch of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) #rozmawiajMY (#Let’sTalk) helping employees to obtain assistance in various challenging situations;
  • meetings with experts aiming to present up-to-date verified knowledge about physical health (preventive medical testing, vaccinations, healthy diet, healthy exercises, oncological prevention) and mental health (mental resilience, emotion and energy management, relaxation techniques, counteracting burnouts);
  • assistance to newly appointed managers – supportive and engaging leadership both in terms of building one’s own mental resilience and the resilience and engagement of teams; 245 managers participated in the workshops;
  • assistance to employees in crisis situations, e.g. through education, building openness and awareness of the challenges related to health, mental condition and changing working conditions in the immediate business environment, facilitation of access to specialists;
  • provision of various forms of development: a cycle of webinars, training courses and workshops, including on efficiency and cooperation in hybrid work arrangements, access to an online training platform, numerous information and educational campaigns promoting healthy habits and healthy lifestyles.

The culmination of educational and promotional activities for employees in 2021 was a #DobryStan conference on work-life balance. Employees had the opportunity to learn about the strategy and key issues related to vital energy, mental resilience and work style optimization.

Also other Group companies run their own programs to support the well-being of employees. The Harmony of Life is a well-being program run by LINK4, designed to address the needs of employees in the area of self-development and mental and physical well-being. The program provides an opportunity to benefit from a number of initiatives in the form of webinars, workshops and online sports classes. Its activities are based on the needs reported by the employees themselves.

The program curriculum includes:

  • webinars and workshops on healthy eating, increasing consumer awareness, developing mental resilience, coping with stress and applying a positive psychology approach in practice;
  • online sports classes where participants may benefit from a broad range of options – from leisurely yoga classes to intense fitness exercises;
  • employees are free to choose which classes or webinars they want to join.

All events are recorded for sharing on the intranet for everyone interested in participation at a time of their choosing. All events are delivered by outsiders who are experts in their respective fields.

LINK4 also notes the needs of its employees who are parents and supports them in combining these two roles through a program of family-friendly actions. The support concerns:

  • legal regulations concerned with care for a child under 14, care allowance, holiday leaves and other situations which might be difficult from a parent’s point of view;
  • celebrating special occasions – gifts for children on Children’s Day or a welcome package for mothers returning to work after maternity leave.

Lietuvos Draudimas has prepared the “I feel good” program the purpose of which is to reduce absenteeism and improve employee engagement.

Among the tools provided under the program is a personal development site on the intranet with video lectures, suggested training sessions and podcasts. The company holds physical exercise classes – LD 100 year’s walk challenge – in 2021, employees walked a total of 100 million steps (equivalent to 1.78 times around the world). Also, the company supports employees in organizing their workplace while working remotely. Eligible members of staff received a grant of EUR 200 each to install or upgrade their remote workplace.


Dispersed-Connected – support for effective work in the hybrid model

The hybrid model redefines the conditions of work for PZU staff. Their existing habits and methods of operation may turn out less effective when applied in the same manner both in the office and at home. Work in the new ‘dispersed’ reality poses completely new challenges. In order to maintain a high degree of work efficiency in the new model, a special Dispersed-Connected program has been launched in PZU. The program is aimed at all employees willing to participate in it. Its goal is to develop new competences, promote good practices and let employees and managers learn practical tools useful in their day-to-day work.

Training topics designed for all employees:

  • Managing the information overload;
  • Conducting effective meetings;
  • Getting ready for changes in the hybrid world;
  • Internal motivation to act.

Training topics designed for managers::

  • Building trust in a dispersed team;
  • Effective online meetings;
  • Setting objectives, coordinating activities and monitoring performance in a dispersed team;
  • Maintaining motivation and engagement in a dispersed team.

Within each module, various forms of learning are used – webinars, instructional videos, educational materials for independent work and a chat with a trainer.

These activities attracted a great degree of interest from employees – 2.3 thousand staff participated in live events. Educational materials in the form of recordings, e-learning tools and PDF files are available to employees. The program will be continued in 2022.


Recipe for good cooperation

The “Recipe for good operation” is a collection of attitudes and behaviors appreciated by PZU employees in cooperation. The company educates its employees that the quality of client experience is influenced not only by those who directly serve them but also, for instance, by those responsible for products, administration, maintenance of IT systems or recruitment of new staff. This is why relations between employees are so important. In 2021, as part of the “Recipe for good cooperation”, four surveys on collaboration were organized followed by workshops devoted to the development of improvement actions. The participants of the surveys and workshops included: PZU’s Enterprise Resource Planning Center in Opole, PZU’s Employee Operations Center in Piła, the Operational Support Department and the Remote Customer Service Center. Activities scheduled for 2022 include continued promotion of the Recipe in the organization and at least 5 cooperation quality surveys followed by improvement workshops.


In 2021, the proprietary PZU Kudos app was launched enabling employees to share positive feedback with their colleagues. The app is available through the PZU24 platform and is very intuitive and user-friendly. This initiative was very favorably received by employees, and, during the first week of its launch, over 900 kudos were sent. Scheduled for 2022 is the rollout of new kudos templates and continued promotion of the app.

Inclusive organizational culture

Area-specific risk: The risk of failure to respect employee rights by unequal treatment of employees, discrimination of employees and cases of mobbing and discrimination

Approach to management: No actions or behaviors having the features of mobbing are tolerated by the employer in any way. This approach deals with the prevention of mobbing and discrimination. Appropriate procedural, process-based, preventive and training measures have been implemented (such as compulsory training for managers entitled “Counteracting mobbing and discrimination in the workplace” and training for all staff on effective cooperation in diverse teams).

Key regulations: Human Rights Policy, Anti-Mobbing Procedure

[GRI 103-2] [GRI 406-1]

A major contributing factor to the creation and development of an inclusive organizational culture is the taking of steps to counteract and eradicate all mobbing, intolerance or other forms of discrimination. Legal acts including the Work Rules and Regulations and the Internal Anti-Mobbing Procedure are in place to support the fight against mobbing. The Internal Anti-Mobbing Procedure currently in force was introduced by a directive issued by the President of the Management Board and is applicable to all employees regardless of the position held, while employees are familiarized with it at the outset of their employment. This procedure simply defines the actions to be taken in the event mobbing transpires in the organization. It has not required any change for more than a decade because of its suitability and simplicity, which is an additional guarantee of stability and the consistency of the actions taken by PZU to counteract mobbing.

An Anti-Mobbing Commission has been appointed to verify unacceptable behaviors. It reviews employee complaints and investigates each signal of behaviors that may have the features of mobbing. Persons with an education in law and psychology sit on the Anti-Mobbing Commission. Starting in 2022, the Anti-Mobbing Commission will also be involved in the examination, in addition to mobbing complaints, of reports concerning discrimination, unequal treatment in employment and other related matters.

Starting in December 2020, all employees have to undergo a new e-learning training course entitled “Countering mobbing and discrimination in the workplace”. In addition to mobbing-related issues, the training provides information on prevention of discrimination and equal treatment in employment opportunities.

The “report the incident” procedure also operates in the organization; it enables employees to report information about breaches of rules using an Intranet platform..

Regulations in subsidiaries

The Group companies have anti-mobbing policies and internal procedures in place. In the case of companies with a low headcount, no separate regulations pertaining to prevention of mobbing have been implemented. The companies comply with the general document, Best Practices of the PZU Group, which indirectly regulates the conduct in a mobbing situation, and the Human Rights Policy adopted by the PZU Group.

In the Pekao Group, the aim is to develop appropriate conditions and create a mobbing-free work atmosphere. Bank Pekao has adopted the Anti-Mobbing Policy of Bank Polska Kasa Opieki Spółka Akcyjna. This document lays down the rules for counteracting any action or conduct indicative of mobbing; additionally, it aims to underpin the execution of labor law regulations with respect to the obligation of combatting mobbing. The Bank applies a zero-tolerance policy towards mobbing actions or behaviors in relation to employees (including manifestations of sexual harassment), with proper consequences immediately imposed on perpetrators. In accordance with the provisions of the Anti-Mobbing Policy, each reported case is examined by the Anti-Mobbing Committee – a collective body appointed by the employer to investigate mobbing-related complaints.

In the Alior Bank Group, the personal dignity issue is taken care of in the Code of Conduct applicable to employees of all its member companies. The Code contains guidelines on applying the principles of professionalism and respect in the workplace as well as the principles of good manners, openness toward diversity and tolerance.

Alior Bank has a policy of creating a working environment free of undesirable behavior. According to its regulations, the principles in force in the Bank pertain, among others, to the following: counteracting mobbing and sexual harassment, offering equal opportunities to all employees regardless of their gender, age, disability, race, religion, nationality, political convictions, trade union membership, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, form of employment for a specified or unspecified term and full-time or part-time employment.

PTE PZU has in place a resolution on the rules for preventing mobbing. Among the purposes of this procedure is to set forth the provisions governing the appointment and responsibilities of the anti-mobbing committee.

The steps taken to counter mobbing through communication, training and the whistleblowing procedure accompanied by the employer’s lack of acceptance for any illegal phenomena contributes to the fact that the number of complaints, including mobbing complaints has remained steady at a constant low level.

[GRI 406-1

In 2021, in the PZU Group, there were 21 identified breaches of the rules of conduct pertaining to ethics and human rights (1 case more than in 2020). Four of them transpired in the Pekao Group and 17 in the Alior Bank Group. No cases of failing to comply with the rules on how to act when it comes to ethics and human rights were confirmed in PZU and PZU Życie. In the Alior Bank Group, legitimate reports of breaches in 2021 concerned inappropriate behaviors in the work environment, ‘stealing’ clients between sales units, conflicts between employees, using inappropriate comments in correspondence between employees, preferential treatment of a client over other clients. Commensurate official consequences such as termination of an employment contract for cause or by mutual consent, disciplinary talks, training sessions on soft skills and warnings were administered to those employees who exhibited such conduct or committed such undesirable violations.

In Pekao Group in three cases the company did not find any behaviours which fulfil the requirements of mobbing specified in Article 943 of the Labour Code. In one case the Anti-Mobbing Commission found mobbing behaviour, as a result of which the employee complained about was dismissed.

Occupational safety and health during the COVID-19 pandemic

Area-specific risk: Risk of failure to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. Putting employees at risk of accidents at work.

Approach to management: To prevent accidents the PZU Group focuses on providing proper work conditions, ongoing control and eliminating hazards that might lead to an accident. For the purpose of shaping and raising the awareness of hazards and safe employee behaviors, a broad range of methods is used, including, among others, classroom and e-learning courses, courses and workshops in the field of rendering first aid.

Key regulations: Occupational Safety and Health Policy

[GRI 103-2]

Formally, occupational safety and health (OSH) management is regulated by a number of internal documents and instructions. PZU, PZU Życie and other PZU Group companies discharge their legal duties related to occupational safety and health (among others, conducting an assessment of occupational risk on work stations, accident analysis, employee training).

The occupational safety and health policy has been in force in PZU and PZU Życie since 2015. The policy guidelines were updated in 2021. This policy obligates the PZU Group’s OSH Team to do the following:

  • prevent accidents and occupational diseases;
  • strive to improve occupational safety and health constantly by conducting periodic inspections;
  • deliver training on OSH, including on how to give first aid.

To streamline activities related to occupational safety and health, the PZU Group companies have teams that operate with the following tasks:

  • conduct a review of working conditions;
  • conduct a periodical assessment of the state of occupational safety and health;
  • give an opinion on the means undertaken by the employer to prevent accidents at work and occupational diseases;
  • articulate conclusions on improving working conditions and cooperating with the employer to discharge its duties relating to occupational safety and health.

In the remaining PZU Group companies, services in the field of occupational safety and health are provided by safety and health specialists or teams in compliance with internal regulations adapted to the type of business run by the company.

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, for the sake of PZU and PZU Życie employees’ health and safety, “Safety rules for PZU SA and PZU Życie SA employees during the COVID-19 epidemic” have been developed.

Rules for the time of the COVID-19 epidemic:

  • recommendations on working conditions in the regular workplace;
  • protective equipment provided by PZU and PZU Życie;
  • recommendations on the presence and movement in PZU buildings, including the use of selected rooms;
  • rules for organization of meetings in PZU buildings;
  • conditions of domestic travel on business, business trips, business meetings outside the office, training, workshops, conferences and other development events;
  • recommendations on commuting;
  • rules for collection of correspondence;
  • recommendations on the physical infrastructure of PZU buildings;
  • recommendations on the use of catering service providers;
  • rules for reimbursement of the cost of a SARS-CoV-2 virus test.

Moreover, remote work was introduced in PZU and PZU Życie in March 2020. The necessary technical and organizational measures were ensured to enable as many employees as possible to work remotely or work in a rotation system. Employees were informed monthly of the current working model, which was adjusted on an ongoing basis to the external situation and to the current business processes. In H1 2021, 64% of employees in PZU and PZU Życie performed their work remotely. In H2 2021, it was on average 48% of all employees of both companies. For the entire year 2021, this ratio was 57% on average.

All subsidiaries received a recommendation to implement the “Procedure of temporary remote work applicable for the time of coronavirus infection risk in the Republic of Poland”.

The vast majority of the OSH regulations in the branches (medical centers) of PZU Zdrowie and its direct and indirect subsidiaries are of a local nature and are related to the distinctive nature of their operations and the market on which they function (e.g. the expectations of the local branch of the National Health Fund). The Polmedic branch has adopted a certified occupational safety and health management system in compliance with the ISO 45001 standard.

In medical centers, standards of conduct applicable to cases of exposure to blood or other potentially infectious material have been adopted, and, due to the ongoing pandemic, regulations have been adopted regarding the organization of visits to PZU Zdrowie facilities during the COVID-19 epidemic.

The results of the activities carried out in the workforce area related to the COVID-19 pandemic are described in Section 5.1 COVID-19.

In total, 77 accidents at work were recorded in the PZU Group in 2021 (8 fewer than in 2020), most of which, 30, occurred in the Pekao Group (41 in 2020), 9 in the Alior Bank Group (16 in 2020), 21 in PZU (11 in 2020), 8 in the PZU Zdrowie Group (10 in 2020). In 2021, no fatal accidents at work occurred in PZU or PZU Życie.

Every newly-hired PZU employee goes through advanced training courses related to occupational safety. In 2021, 1,848 initial training courses and 171 periodic training courses were delivered attended by 1,000 PZU and PZU Życie employees. The purpose of the workshops was to update knowledge and skills on how to work safely. In 2021, first aid training was reintroduced, which had been suspended in 2020. Due to the pandemic, it was conducted in the form of distance learning. 299 staff participated in 24 training sessions.

[GRI 403-2]

Accident severity rate by gender


2020 2021 2020 2021

Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men
Total number of work accidents (incidents) 8 3 14 7 2 2 2 0
of which fatal accidents 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total number of persons injured in accidents 11 21 4 2

[GRI 403-2]

Number of work-related accidents, by gender1

2020 2021 2020 2021
Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men
1,4 0,8 1,5 0,8 0,5 0,8 0,3 0

[GRI 403-2]

Accident severity rate by gender2

2020 2021 2020 2021
Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men
30,5 44,3 24,0 14,3 0,0 4,8 7,0 0,0

[GRI 403-2]

Absenteeism rate3

2020 2021 2020 2021
Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men
6,9% 3,3% 6,0% 3,1% 7,2% 2,7% 6,1% 2,5%

1 Ratio calculated per 1,000 employees using the equation: total number of persons injured in accidents / headcount * 1,000.

2 Rate calculated using the equation: number of days of inability to work because of an accident / number of accidents.

3 The absenteeism rate (AR) is calculated in accordance with the following formula: total number of days of absence from work resulting from sick leaves or accidents at work/number of days scheduled to be worked during the respective year

Dialogue with trade unions

Area-specific risk: Risk related to the lack of effective dialogue with the trade unions (collective dispute).

Approach to management: PZU has appointed a Social Dialogue Team in the HR Management Department. The team is supervised by the Director for Labor Law and Social Dialogue. The team is composed of employees with many years of experience in social dialogue, specialized in collective labor law. The social dialogue policy is shaped directly by the company’s Management Board and the Director of the HR Department Director together with the Director for Labor Law and Social Dialogue. The Social Dialogue Team employees hold talks and participate in dedicated meetings with trade unions and respond on an ongoing basis to the needs of social partners. On average, meetings with social partners are held every week. During the pandemic, remote communication tools are used for this purpose.

Key regulations: Organizational Regulations of HR Department

[GRI 102-41]

The company is in continuous dialogue with the trade unions. PZU and PZU Życie respect the right to unconstrained association and strike. The employer holds regular meetings with all social partners. In spite of the restrictions imposed due to the pandemic, social dialogue is conducted continuously with meetings held under the hybrid model, that is both on stationary and remote basis. On average, meetings with all trade unions are held every week. Moreover, at any time, whenever the need arises, trade unions may also initiate collective or individual meetings with the employer, and the introduction of new tools for remote communication within the organization (Skype, Teams) has additionally facilitated and accelerated this process. Social dialogue – run by a section specially appointed for this purpose in the HR Management Department – is inscribed into the company’s organizational culture and forms one of the tools for strategic management.

The companies’ trade union organizations represent employees in collective relationships (concluding agreements on working, pay and social conditions and approving rules and regulations) and individual matters (e.g. consulting employment contract termination, appealing against the imposed disciplinary penalty).

There are 12 trade unions operating in PZU and 7 in PZU Życie. Agreements with trade unions vary in terms of their subjective scope. The largest group of eligible persons can be found in Employee Pension Scheme agreements or social agreements (Company Social Benefit Fund), since they cover all employees.

Alior Bank respects the freedom of association and does not take any action to prevent its staff from becoming trade union members. Five trade unions operate within Alior Bank’s structures, including one in-company and four inter-company trade unions.

Nine trade union organizations operated in Bank Pekao in 2021. Bank Pekao’s cooperation with trade unions in the fields of consultations, negotiations and arrangements was conducted in the manner and shape consistent with the requirements of labor law, in consideration of the interests of the parties and the principles of social dialogue. In 2021, 32 meetings of Bank Peako management with trade union organizations were held.

[GRI 102-41]

Unionized employees in 2021

Trade unions Division in each category in PZU and PZU Życie
Number of unionized employees 1 786 950
% of unionized employees relative to the total number of the company’s employees 19,26% 14,04%